Sunday, March 13, 2011

just a jump to the left.....

Time is fleeting

Time is changing

Zones can be confusing

Today is London

(Ikea and Roast Beef)

Tomorrow Dubai

(Sprinting for my next flight)

Tuesday will be Cape Town

Monkey Man . hosts the 160 Character Challenge

Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Sioux Story

The Creator gathered all of Creation and said,

"I want to hide something from the humans until they are ready for it.
It is the realization that they create their own reality."

The eagle said,
"Give it to me, I will take it to the moon."

The Creator said,
"No. One day they will go there and find it."

The salmon said,
"I will bury it on the bottom of the ocean."

"No. They will go there too."

The buffalo said,
"I will bury it on the Great Plains."

The Creator said,
"They will cut into the skin of the Earth and find it even there."

Grandmother Mole,
who lives in the breast of Mother Earth,
and who has no physical eyes
but sees with spiritual eyes,

"Put it inside of them."

And the Creator said,

"It is done."

Based upon a Native American Legend

Sunday, March 6, 2011

out of the blue came the grey

Unexpected weather delivered on high winds

Thunder, lightning, torrential rain.

Gardening boots lie still



Weeds will be doing a happy dance!

Monkey Man . hosts the 160 Character Challenge