Sunday, March 13, 2011

just a jump to the left.....

Time is fleeting

Time is changing

Zones can be confusing

Today is London

(Ikea and Roast Beef)

Tomorrow Dubai

(Sprinting for my next flight)

Tuesday will be Cape Town

Monkey Man . hosts the 160 Character Challenge


  1. Ooohh... the time shifts!! Drives me nuts at times!! :)
    It's funny watching 2am jump to 3.01am in 1 minute! :)

    Enjoyed your 160... Perfected TIMED!! :)

  2. Yes...the time warp. I am lovin' it. Thanks for playing along with the sunday 160.

  3. for real? you get around...used to travel the states jumping time zones and would get so jacked up...

  4. OMGoodness! I didn't know you were a world traveler. That has to throw you off any kind of schedule, but how exciting! :)

  5. Cape Townnnnnn!!!! Sweet!!! Going for the start of winter though? What's up with that? Have a glass of Stellenbosch for me with a Castle chaser at the braai. :)

  6. Loving being back in my old home town seeing my old friends!
    We are in the throes of a hot heady summer but I guess cos March 21 is the Autumn equinox we only have 3 days ot it left. In reality though it will only get REALLY cold here in July
